In this program, we are raising and training a service dog puppy for your unique needs. This is what most people are familiar with when it comes to service dogs. This is our flagship service. The puppy is hand-selected from an ethical breeder, who breeds for temperament and breed characteristics. The service dog puppy is raised and trained from an early age with the highest standards. This training ranges from 9 to 18 months. It results in the best possible service dog for your specific needs.
The key advantage of raising a service dog puppy is that we get to shape behaviors during the most formidable stage of the dog’s life. The things that can be shaped before month four of a puppy’s life, will often be more reliable for life than anything trained, repaired, or modified in an older dog. You could compare it to learning a language in humans. Kids pick it up faster and more easily from a young age than it takes most adults when learning a new language later in life. Some things are just easier to learn earlier.
Service Dog Puppy Transition Process
In the beginning, your service dog puppy will spend many months with us exclusively. But as training progresses, you will get to be part of the puppy’s life, so you can also develop a bond and become a team. This will happen under our supervision. At first, we will oversee all time and activities together, as we shape your new service dog puppy. As we progress in the program, you will get time alone with your dog. At this stage, we will provide clear guidance of what you are ready to do on your own and what we still need to be involved in. As we progress, this ratio will shift more and more towards you.
Once all training is complete, your new service dog puppy; now a young adult (aka teenager), will be with you exclusively. We will remain available as support over the lifetime of your dog. Our contract does include provisions on what happens should you not be able to keep a service dog puppy we trained at some point in their life.
Financing Support
Naturally, this comprehensive program is our most exclusive and expensive due to the enormous skill and time effort involved. Let that not dissuade you from a service dog puppy. We do partner with financing companies and a service dog non-profit to help raise funds for eligible persons with disabilities and also—not that this is necessarily fair—but it tends to be much easier to raise money for service dogs for children and teenagers than adults. So the younger the person with the disability, the more likely it is that you will be able to secure grants and alike to cover most if not all costs of a service dog. We also offer payment plans and financing solutions ourselves. We want to help you and will work with you to make it happen if possible.
Our service dogs comply with all service animal regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); for your reference, here are the official ADA Regulations for Service Dogs by the Department of Justice (DOJ).