Service Dog Resources
This page contains links to all service dog training resources at Total K9 Focus. If you are looking for pet dog training resources please visit the resource page of our Pet Dog Business Happy Dog Training.
Client Testimonials:
Elizabeth Anderson | Ashley Guidry | Lisa Thorne Brazell | Roxanne Schwartz | Lynn Shaffer | Diana Johnson Hightower | Tammy Sellers Cantrell | Connie M. Finley
Service Dogs – Page: 1 | 2
Rescue Dogs – Page: 1 | 2
Diary of a Service Dog Trainer
Service Dog Articles:
Canine First Aid Kit | Common Challenges for Service Dog Handlers | PTSD Service Dogs | Service Dog Access Issues | What is the Best Service Dog Breed? | Service Dog Harassment | Service Dog Vests |
Dog Training Articles:
The ‘Leave It’ Command | Mixed Messages | Puppy Training
Diary of a Service Dog Trainer Articles:
Introduction | At A Restaurant | A Hospital Visit | I am a Domestic Violence Survivor | Ambulatory Wheelchair User | No Dogs Allowed
Dog Behavior Articles:
Rescue Dog Articles:
Bringing a New Dog Home | Dog Decompression | Feral Dogs vs. Stray Dogs | Survivor Dogs | The Importance of Training Your Foster Dog
List of all Service Dog FAQs | Am I Allowed to Have a Pet with Your Service Dogs? | Can You Test If My Current Dog Can Be A Service Dog? | Do You Provide the Dog? | Do You Train Out-of-State Dogs? | How Long Does a Service Dog Program Typically Take? | How Much Do Service Dog Programs Cost? | What Dog Breeds Make Good Service Dogs? | What is the Process of Working with You? | Where Do Your Service Dogs Come From? | Will I Get To Spend Time With My Service Dog Puppy? | What Is Included In Public Access Training?
All Services | Service Dog Consultation Service Dog Puppy | Service Dog Testing | Rescue Service Dog | Owner-Trained Service Dog | Virtual Service Dog Training | Service Dog Upgrade | Solving Service Dog Problems | Service Dog Shadow Student | Service Dog Financing |
Client Pictures:
Sarah and Radley 01-13-2022 | Sarah and Storm 02-01-2022 | Storm 01-31-2022 | Sarah and Radley 02-02-2022 | Sarah and Storm 05-12-2022 | Willow 03-04-2022 | Romeo 03-03-2022 | Sarah and Romeo 02-28-2022 | Sarah and Storm 02-16-2022 | Radley 03-02-2022 | Sarah and Romeo 02-14-2022 | Sarah and Storm 05-10-2022 | Sarah and Storm 05-05-2022 | Sarah and Romeo 03-05-2022 | Sarah and Storm 05-06-2022 | Romeo 03-01-2022 | Sarah and Grizzly 07-27-2020 | Sarah and Storm 08-21-2020 | Willow 05-12-2022 | Radley 05-14-2022 | Sarah and Romeo 05-18-2022 | Radley 05-31-2022 | Sarah and Radley 05-31-2022 | Sarah and Ari 07-16-2022 | Sarah and Romeo 07-17-2022 | Sarah and Radley 07-19-2022 | Storm 07-25-2022 | Sarah and Radley 08-02-2022 | Sarah and Radley 08-03-2022 | Willow 08-05-2022 | Sarah and Radley 08-09-2022 | Sully 08-12-2022 | Radley and Kelsey 08-14-2022 | Willow 08-20-2022 | Sully 08-15-2022 | Radley Under Table 08-14-2022 | Sarah and Storm 08-22-2022 | Sarah and Storm 08-24-2022 | Sarah and Radley 08-25-2022 | Willow 08-25-2022 | Sarah, Grace and Storm 08-23-2022
Client Videos:
Public Access Training with Storm 05-02-2022 | Outing with Storm 04-27-2022 | Sarah Playing with Radley 05-02-2022 | Training Willow 05-24-2022 | Training Radley 06-03-2022 | Public Access Practice with Radley 05-31-2022 | Willow’s Out 05-15-2022 | Training Willow 06-03-2022 | Training Radley 07-13-2022 | Socializing Romeo 07-15-2022 | Training Willow 07-25-2022 | Training Sully 07-28-2022 | Radley Goes Shopping 07-26-2022 | Sarah and Radley Walking 08-02-2022 | Sarah Playing with Radley in Her Wheelchair 07-30-2022 | Service Dog Outing with Radley 08-06-2022 | Training Willow 08-12-2022 | Training Sully 08-18-2022 | Service Dog Outing with Radley 08-06-2022 | Training Radley 09-26-2022 | Radley Practicing His Alerts 08-25-2022 | Medical Service Dog Outing with Sarah and Storm 09-09-2022
About Me | Privacy Policy | Puppy Resources | Service Dog Questions and Answers | The Giant List of Service Dog Tasks | Privacy Policy | Service Dog Financing | Success Stories | Our Services | Service Dog Blog | Media Licensing | Service Dog Newsletter | Service Dog Contact Form |
Our Team | Sarah Gill | Ralf Weber
Author Pages:
Author: Total K9 Focus
ambulatory wheelchair user | ambulatory | anxiety service dog breeds | best psychiatric service dog breeds | best service dog breed | best service dog breeds for ptsd and anxiety | bringing a new dog home | canine first aid bag | canine first aid kit | canine first aid | challenge for service dog handler | challenges for service dog handlers | clarity for dogs | diary of a service dog trainer | disabilities | disability | discrimination | dog decompression | dog first aid bag | dog first aid kit | dog first aid | dog training | domestic violence awareness | domestic violence survior | domestic violence | escaping domestic violence | feral dog | feral dogs | feral vs stray | foster dog | good service dog breeds | leave-it | mixed messages dogs | mixed messages | moving on from domestic violence | multiple dog in home rules | multiple dog rules | multiple dogs | new-dog | no dogs allowed | obedience | ptsd service dog breeds | ptsd service dog | ptsd service dogs | public access | puppy training | recovering from domestic violence | rescue dog decompression | rescue dog | rescue dogs | service dog access rights | service dog access | service dog breeds | service dog challenges | service dog handler challenges | service dog handler | service dog harassment | service dog hospital | service dog in public | service dog law | service dog | spinal cord damage | stray dog | stray dogs | survivor dogs | train your puppy | training | wheelchair in public | wheelchair user | wheelchair |
Contact Us
Please use our Service Dog Contact Form to schedule your free consultation.